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"Udi, you changed my life!"

Folks, If I did it - anybody can do it!!!

I come from a low-middle class family.  My parents are good honest people that worked hard in order to provide their children with good education.  I will be in their debt until the last day of my life.

I studied hard but I had no self confidence and no self esteem.  I studied computer science.  I am a software engineer.  It was, for me, the ultimate profession: use my intellect, good money, minimal interaction with people.  One thing for sure: I was not happy.  I felt I was chocking.

​One day - I will remember that day for the rest of my life - I decided 'No More'.

​I spoke to my self, I inspired myself and I became my own therapist, coach and mentor.

I gave myself no leniency.  I observed, studied and learned and immediately implemented and practiced.

It was hard and some time painful; still, the results were amazing.

I gained self esteem and self confidence, I became well appreciated professionally and very popular socially.  I felt happy and capable and I started realizing my potential.

Here is how it looks: I am an international business development professional, coach, mentor and speaker with work experience in more than 40 cities around the world.  I have extensive diverse cultural experience and everything that I do is about helping people fulfill themselves.  It can't get any better than that!

God, I Am Happy!!!

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I am absolutely passionate about inspiring others!

I come from the very bottom.  I bring with me my life experience, knowledge and wisdom that I acquired through many years of practice.

While this is how I make a living, inspiring and coaching others is my true and only passion.

I treat each and every person I coach as a friend.  Any crowd I speak to is like family to me.

Inspiring people and bringing success and happiness into their lives make me happier and inspire me even more.

People's happiness and success are my drive.

Love, happiness and success are within reach.
If I did it - anybody can do it.
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