In less than two weeks, Jews around the world will celebrate Passover. Passover is a fundamental holiday in Judaism; it brings to us some...
Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant. The world lost a celebrity that was everything but a celebrity.
Abraham - 1
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - the forefathers of Judaism. Who were they? What have they left behind?
Let's appreciate life
A stay at the hospital. Part of the healing process for those who are sick. Life altering for those who keep them company.
10th of Tevet
10th of Tevet. A day of fast? Why? Why mourn events that happened 2500 years ago???
Places of Worship or Places of War?
Stabbing at a synagogue in Monsey NY. Killing at the West Freeway Church of Christ.
Hanukah 3
More about to do it right.
Hanukah 2
Why is Hanukah celebrated by lighting up candles? What is the meaning behind the candle lighting?
Hanukah 1
Hanukah. Why do we celebrate Hanukah? How do we celebrate Hanukah? The first post in the series - one week before Hanukah.
Why are the people of Israel called 'Jewish'?
Why are the Jewish people called 'Jewish'?
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments. Why are they so special?
Kosher...What Is It?
Kosher. What foods are kosher? Which are not?
The Jewish Calendar
The Jewish Calendar. How is it structured? Are there holidays or special days?